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It's better than a bat in the eye with a burnt stick!

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Monday 19 May 2014

Positively revolting

Thursday, May 19th., Pension White, Florence

San Miniato
Church at San Miniato yesterday morning, in intense heat. I find that after 7 weeks of sightseeing I begin to discover beauties for myself, and to be quite sure that they are beauties. For example, the pavements and some neglected bits of frescoes at S. Miniato. 

Before that I went to Cooks and got money and tickets for Paris. The place was crowded with tedious and long-winded persons. Before that I bought bindings and a Galsworthy book. In the afternoon we went to see Pauline in her nursing home. Up a dusty hill that autos thundered down and horses were thrashed up. Most satisfactory home. 
For more on Pauline Smith in Florence see 'Friends in Florence'

Restaurant Lapi
I had a fearful headache, owing to dinner eaten at the Restaurant Lappi with the Vedres & Por on Tuesday night. We saw Gordon Craig there and his withered wife. But I preferred her to him. He had the looks of an intellectual hysteric, and egotist. By bits, I wrote a Chronicle article yesterday and today. This morning I saw the awful sight of groups of tourists 'doing' the Loggia Lanzi under Italian guides who spoke English. It was positively a revolting sight. I solaced myself by getting more money from Cooks and buying an ebony stick.

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