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It's better than a bat in the eye with a burnt stick!

This blog makes liberal use of AB's journals, letters, travel notes, and other sources.

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Tuesday 3 September 2013

Family tragedy

Friday, September 3rd., Waterloo Road, Cobridge.

Tertia Bennett
I went into the breakfast room at home, scene of a thousand love-makings. Tertia, dressed in black, sat in an easy chair in front of the fire. It was cold. She got up.
"Poor old girl!" I said as I kissed her. She cried a moment. Then we others began to talk of common affairs. Tertia sat silent.

See also 'Death by drowning' - 
September 2nd., http://earnoldbennett.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/death-by-drowning.html

Septimus Bennett
Afterwards, in the dining room, Pater recounted his version of the accident; how Sep had struggled out of the water, and running towards him had shouted something which the high wind had carried away. "Pa, if you don't get a boat quick you'll never see our Frank again"; Pater's run of over 500 yards of loose sand to the nearest boat, and the long-drawn delay of launching; the appearance of Tertia and Florrie on the beach, and the altercation between him and Tertia as to whether it was Frank or Willie who was in danger - an altercation of dreadful pathos; how all the boys had remained cool throughout, and how Willie had struck out strongly, after our Frank had told the others to leave him to float on the current till a boat could overtake him; how Frank had somehow contrived to reach land, and how he thought till long afterwards that Willie was safe, taking it for granted ...

Additionally for September 3rd., see 'Writing for victory' - http://earnoldbennett.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/writing-for-victory.html

Conference at Wellington House of 'eminent authors'. Hall Caine, Zangwill, Parker among them. Masterman in chair.

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